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Period pain can cause exhaustion to most of the women. Fortunately, many home remedies for period pain relief can help deal with this discomfort. Let’s dive into those best home remedies for period cramps.

1. Heat Therapy

Heat therapy is one of the best home remedies for relieving period pain. Applying heat to your lower abdomen relaxes the muscles and reduces cramping.

Use a heating pad, hot water bottle, or a warm towel. Place it on your lower abdomen for 15-20 minutes. Repeat as needed throughout the day.

2. Massage with Essential Oils

Massage on your abdomen with essential oils to relieve pain and create relaxation. Some of the common pain-relieving oils include lavender, clary sage, and marjoram.

Mix a few drops of essential oil with carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil. Massage your lower abdomen for several minutes. Be cautious, however, if you have sensitive skin or allergies to essential oils.

3. Light Exercise or Yoga and Meditation

Light exercise, yoga, and meditation can increase blood flow and reduce stress, which helps in managing period pain. Therefore, this is also one of the best home remedies for period pain relief.

Engage in light activities such as walking, gentle yoga poses, or deep breathing exercises. Aim for at least 30 minutes a day. Avoid strenuous activities if you’re feeling too uncomfortable.

4. Acupressure

Acupressure is the process of using pressure on certain points in the body to help alleviate pain. It is a great technique for the reduction of menstrual cramps.

Find the pressure points, such as the space between your thumb and index finger or three finger-widths below your navel. Use gentle pressure for a few minutes. If you have any health condition, consult a professional before trying acupressure.

5. Ginger

Ginger has anti-inflammatory effects that can soothe menstrual cramps and discomfort. Hence, you can use this herb as home remedies for period cramps.

Prepare ginger tea by putting fresh ginger slices in a pot of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, then drink it 2-3 times a day when you’re on your period. However, take ginger in small portions if you have a sensitive stomach. Additionally, you should talk with your doctor if you are taking blood thinners or have a bleeding disorder.

6. Chamomile Tea

It is an excellent soothing and anti-inflammatory herbal remedy for getting relief from menstrual pain.

Steep chamomile tea bags in hot water for 5-10 minutes. Drink the tea 2-3 times a day. But avoid chamomile if you’re allergic to ragweed or similar plants.

7. Magnesium

Magnesium helps relax muscles and reduce cramping. Including magnesium-rich foods in your diet can provide relief.

Intake foods such as spinach, almonds, and avocados. Consult a healthcare provider if you are thinking of taking magnesium supplements.

8. Cinnamon

Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties that help reduce menstrual pain effectively.

Add cinnamon to your tea, smoothies, or meals. One teaspoon of cinnamon powder per day can work as home remedies for period pain relief. If you have liver problems, use cinnamon in moderation.

9. Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are supportive to ease menstrual cramps and aid digestion.

Boil one teaspoon of fennel seeds in water for 5-10 minutes. Drink this fennel tea twice a day. If you are pregnant or have any health conditions, you should consult your doctor before consuming fennel seeds.

Bottom line

The following home remedies for period cramps are natural, non-invasive, and quite effective. However, be careful in using the above remedies if you have any health problems or allergies. You should talk with your doctor if needed for best results.

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