Foods That Help With Collagen Production

Foods That Help With Collagen Production

In today’s fast-paced world, it is harder than ever to maintain a youthful glow. Collagen, the most abundant protein in our bodies, is the key to healthy skin, hair, nails, and joints. While our bodies naturally produce collagen, this production declines as we age. Therefore, it is essential to include collagen-boosting foods in our diets. In today’s blog, we’re going to dive into top foods that help with collagen production.

Eat Your Way to Ageless Skin: Foods That Help With Collagen Production


Chicken is full of connective tissues. These tissues make chicken a rich source of dietary collagen. Collagen content varies throughout the chicken, though. For example, the thigh meat contains more collagen than breast meat. So, you can consider adding chicken to your diet as one of the top foods that help with collagen production. Indeed, when you eat chicken, your body can break down the required amino acids, which will help in the production of collagen.

Egg Whites

Egg whites are rich in proteins. In particular, they contain proline, an amino acid necessary for the synthesis of collagen. Adding egg whites to your diet will help you have elastic and firm skin.

Citrus Fruits

The citrus fruits include oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. These fruits are high in vitamin C, a significant stimulant in the synthesis of collagen. It is said to help facilitate the change from amino acids to collagen. Therefore, their consumption can significantly boost the production of collagen.

Tropical Fruits

Other foods that help with collagen production can’t overlook tropical fruits. Mangoes, kiwis, pineapples, and guavas are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is essential for the synthesis of collagen. In addition, these fruits hydrate and provide other nutrients that promote healthy skin.


Those fruits are also natural collagen booster foods. Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are rich in antioxidants. They work by neutralizing free radicals that damage the skin. As a result, they support the collagen structure already present in the body.


This vegetable is rich in sulfur, one of the trace minerals that synthesizes and prevents the breakdown of collagen. Garlic should be eaten in moderation, though. When consumed in regular amounts, it’s not toxic, but too much can lead to heartburn and stomach upset. More so, those on blood thinner medication should limit or avoid garlic as it promotes excessive bleeding.

Leafy Greens

Some leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, and Swiss chard, are very rich in vitamins A and C. These two vitamins play an important role in collagen production. These greens are also full of antioxidants that will protect your skin even more. Some studies have shown that consuming chlorophyll increases the precursor to collagen in the skin.


Beans are a good plant-based protein that contains lysine, an amino acid responsible for collagen production. Additionally, many beans are rich in copper, another nutrient necessary for collagen production. In short, eating beans can contribute to healthy skin and life.


Cashews are rich in zinc and copper. Both are essential minerals responsible for collagen formation in the human body. This way, eating cashews often could be the most delicious method to increase your levels of collagen in the body.


Other foods that help with collagen production include tomatoes. Lycopene, an antioxidant in tomatoes, has the capability to produce collagen. Lycopene provides supplementary protection against skin damage. Having tomatoes in your diet can provide two benefits for good skin.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers, the red and yellow especially, are high in vitamin C. Such a vitamin is an essential ingredient in making collagen. Consuming these peppers helps support the human body’s collagen production and the quality of the skin.

Bottom line

Incorporation of these foods in your diet can certainly boost collagen production on a large scale. Nonetheless, before making significant changes in your diet, always consult a doctor for advice. Besides, don’t overconsume these just for the sake of collagen, as an overload might lead to certain side effects. Equilibrium is the secret to maintaining a healthy and dynamic lifestyle.

Note that some require avoiding a list of foods for either allergy or medication. Consult with a health care provider to determine which, if any, are safe to consume. Also, some remedies have pre-treatment tests that are needed before using them.

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