Chilblains, also known as pernio, are lesions on the skin that are itchy, red, and swollen, caused by cold temperatures. Commonly affecting the toes and fingers, chilblains can lead to pain and irritation. However, a few natural and home treatments can give you instant relief along with prevent future cases. Here, we disclose the effective remedies for chilblains and pore feet.


Physical activity is one of the most effective home remedies for chilblains. Movements at regular intervals improves blood circulation, which is necessary to avoid chilblains. The simple activities of walking, lying, and moving your toes around can significantly enhance well-being. These exercises enhance the flow of blood in the peripheral vessels, which minimizes the chilblain risk.

Soak Feet in Warm Water with Salt

This is an acute cure using warm-water-and-salt application. Also, the increased flow of blood accounts for the warm water while the antibacterial power comes from the salt. On the contrary, those with diabetes should avoid this therapy as it can lead to skin deterioration and infection.

Wear Woolen or Cotton Socks

The first step to prevent and cure chilblains is to always make sure you keep your feet warm and dry. Wool or cotton socks are the most suitable materials to go for, as they insulate the feet and pull the sweat away from the skin. Always make sure your feet remain dry and warm, specifically in cold weather, in order to avoid getting chilblains.

Keep Your Whole-Body Warm

Strong body warmth is leading factor in order to have overall health. Layered clothes, gloves, and hats can help in controlling temperature and giving complete protection from swollen toes and fingers. When your body is warm, blood circulation gets better, and there is less of a chilblains chance.

Dry Feet Thoroughly After Showering or Bathing

Excessive moisture will intensify the existing chilblains. It is necessary to let your feet completely dry after bathing or taking a shower as this will help the moistness to dry out accumulating in your feet spaces. Such a method drives off dampness and makes your feet retain their warmth.

Use heated insoles

A heating pad or hot water bottle placed on your feet will provide warmth. As a result, it supports in preventing and managing chilblains.

Wear proper footwear

Another natural treatment for swollen feet is to choose and wear right footwear. Wear shoes or boots that are well-insulated and provide good support to prevent heat loss and improve blood circulation.

Use foot warmers

Foot warmers, disposable or reusable, can be put inside your shoes or boots to provide extra heat. They can also help improve blood circulation throughout the body. Additionally, the foot warmers aid in relieving feet pain and discomfort quickly.

Aloe Vera Gel

You can try aloe vera gel as another natural treatment for swollen feet. Aloe vera gel has an anti-inflammatory effect that is able to calm a denominative and possibly inflamed skin. The simple act of implementing the aloe vera gel on the skin, greatly aids the staving off of itchiness that is often an outcome of a chilblain. Aloe Vera possesses natural healing compounds, which basically provide relief from chilblains. Always test the allergy before you apply aloe vera gel on your affected area.

Gentle Massage

You can gently massage your feet to improve blood circulation and reduce discomfort. Massage the swollen area with warm sweet almond oil, or with warm mustard oil.

Additional home Remedies

In addition to these therapies for chilblains, there are other natural treatments that can be supportive. Loose-fitting footwear prevents constriction and allows better circulation. Eating food sources rich in vitamin C helps strengthen capillaries, thereby reducing the risk of chilblains.

Bottom line

Ultimately, several home remedies and natural treatments work for chilblains and swollen feet. Such include exercise, warm water soaking the feet, adding salt to the warm water, use of woollen or cotton socks, and keeping your body warm. Besides that, drying the feet and applying aloe vera gel are possibilities of relief.

While these natural remedies for swollen feet and chilblains do have their benefits, it is very important that if your situation isn’t getting better, you should see a doctor.

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    1st Mar 2025 - 4:07 pm

    […] may also like: Remedies for Chilblains | Home Remedies to Relieve Constipation […]

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